A wise man sings very well that what counts is not the arrival, it is the quest.
Lately I have been on the road, always the same between #Béziers, the estate and #Toulouse via #Minervoise.
This time it wasn't to go home or go to work.
This time it was to wander the streets looking for friendly merchants ready to open the door for me despite the intense period of #Christmas preparations.
Sometimes it doesn't last very long, sometimes the wine merchant keeps you for half an hour longer to do a whiskey tasting, sometimes we think he didn't like our #petnat #Circé and then finally he calls us back.
In the middle of all this, encounters and smiles let me think that this new life suits me well.
Biterrois, Biterroises... Toulouse, Toulouse... Here is where to find our products and the merchants whom I thank for their trust in my first steps:
#ToulouseUltramarinos Grocery Store | https://www.ultramarinosana.fr | Carmes district |🍾 and 🌻
Corks | https://desbouchons.fr | Lardenne district | 🍾
Wines of an Ear | https://vinsduneoreille.com | Guilhemery district | 🍾
Domaine de Lastours | https://www.instagram.com/domainedelastours | Carmelite district | 🌻
House Busquets | https://www.maisonbusquets.com | Capitol District | 🌻
Café Bacquié | http://www.cafe-bacquie.com | Jean Jaurès district | 🌻
KODELICES | https://www.kodelices.fr | Town Hall District | 🍾 and 🌻
The den of good wines | https://le-repaire-des-bons-vins.sumupstore.com | Allées Paul Riquet district | 🍾
YUM The local market | https://www.marchemiam.fr | Arena District | 🌻
Via café | https://www.via-cafe.fr | Villeneuve les Béziers | 🌻
Grocery Lauze | https://www.epicerielauze.com | Arena District | 🌻
With gourmet pork | http://www.au-cochongoumet.com | Murviel les Béziers | 🌻
Malpas Tourist Office | https://www.tourismeendomitienne.com | Colombiers 🌻 (soon🍾)
Béziers Tourist Office | https://www.beziers-mediterranee.com | 9 Locks | 🌻
The Biterroise Farm | https://lafermebiterroise.com | Murviel Road | 🌻
The Portiragnes Farm | lafermedeportiragnes.com | Vias Road | 🌻
Gardens of Europe | Font Neuve | 🌻