35, 39, 42°C…
No, white wine doesn't like these temperatures (reds don't either).
The Sun strikes, spills its burning liquid and then the vat turns into a cauldron, especially when I underestimate the speed at which it will start its first blops blops.
Since then, Sunday 08/20 at 3 p.m., a real war against time has been underway. Don't go too fast, but don't slow it down too much, while it's a terrible storm outside. Quite simply, don't try to master everything because it's impossible anyway.
What an idea to start the first vintage of my life with a sparkling wine 😂. On a razor's edge she made her way, more tumultuous than expected.
Hot snap, cold snap, fermentation stop, languid restart.
We would like to be able to monitor it constantly but we must learn to let nature take its course.
In the middle of all this, my best friend gets married and names me as best man. 1500km (round trip) later, the Sun rose on Monday 04/09 and the tank was finally ready. The first finish line is finally here, there are only a few sugars left to process in the bottle, the longest and riskiest. We pray.
So here she is before your eyes, without a label yet, by the time she finishes the race and as you can see in the photo, the trouble will remain, naturally sparkling 😍.
In short, if all goes well until the end, the vintage will never have lived up to its name so well: Circe , daughter of the Sun ( Helios ) and Perseis (herself daughter of the Ocean, stormy sometimes). She is also and above all the Magician, queen of metamorphoses.
I don't invent anything, read Greek mythology or drink my vintages and against labels 🤭.
We therefore pray that the magic will work and that it will give us beautiful bubbles for you to taste in the middle of Autumn.